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    Business Medical and Health Care Insurance

    Business Medical and Health Care Insurance – Buying the Best Cover at the Right Price

    Business health insurance is essentially the same as private individual health insurance however it is paid through the business and covers the same kinds of acute conditions. Business health insurance policies may appear more “generic” than customized individual policies, but the same exclusions are applied. These typically include exclusions for chronic and pre-existing medical conditions. Business health cover usually applies to all staff members named in the policy and can be used for as many employees as is required. Coverage may apply to a small business with only a few employees to a large corporation with hundreds of employees.

    The benefits of having a business health insurance policy are many. Companies that have such policies show that they care about their workers’ welfare – a feature that enhances employee retention and offers an excellent recruiting tool.

    However, the most important benefit associated with business health insurance is that key staff members will get high-quality care in a timely manner when they need it. This decreases their need to take time away from work and increases their productivity on the job. With business health cover, employees can decide when to get treatment, ensuring that their elective care will be obtained in ways most beneficial to a company’s established production schedule and synchronized with other critical business cycles.

    It may be even more important for small companies to provide business health insurance that for larger firms because the loss of a staff member has more of an impact on a small organization than a large one. Business health polices can provide significant savings over individual coverage as well, and offering such coverage can make a small employer more attractive in a competitive marketplace.

    DataHealth will help you find the right business health insurance policy for your company at a competitive price. We will contrast and compare a range of business product on the market to ensure we find the cover that is most appropriate for your organization and work force at the best price.